Nebor pronounced (nei-gh- bor) stands for
N)eighborhood E)mpowerment, B)ridging O)pportunity & R)esources
Was created in Winston Salem, NC on September 01, 2021, by the coordinator Antwone Rickard. The goal is to connect each other in our own neighborhood. By offering the skilled services & products we sell, without having to search for a vendor, a contractor or handy person to get the job done. There is a slogan that Nebor stands by. “Taking care of our neighborhood” . Speaks volume for its purpose. Nebor offers Handy Services, perform in Maintenance Request, and Remodeling Projects! All for up to 30%+ off than any leading service provider for its members. As a member you will gain an unlimited up to 30% off per purchase for every service. The cost of a membership is only $2 per month. With Benefits of Nebor kids (a way to teach your child a skill every month, and will add an extra 5% off of your next service request by passing a monthly review of what was taught to your kid/s)(As we encourage our Nebor parents to help them), Nebor Business (advertisement for your services or products for only as less as 10$ per month), Employment (you can offer your services to all of Nebor Members to earn extra cash), or Sales (earn extra cash selling memberships). All with not costing you anything more than 2$ per month for your Nebor Membership. More about how Fees work click and see Nebor Law.
A 100% FREE service for Everyone. Including Home/Business Owners & Renters. Your neighborhood's answer for more affordable services by your own neighbors. From renovations to maintenance, to buying and selling your home. We have you covered! A Nebor for a neighbor... we all provide services for only what our Nebor Members pay less for. -Automatically receive up to 30% off every time you file a request for any Handy Services/Maintenance Request/Remodeling Projects, get updates on what is to come, Notified with more services, and products, with what Nebor Members offer.
Thank you for being part of Nebor!
Nebor is Opportunity, Future, Networking, Benefits, & Unity!
Specialize in: Handy services, Maintenance, Remodeling
Yes, we teach your Kid/s a new skill every month!
Yes, you can become a Nebor Parent (Mom/Dad)
Yes, through Nebor you gain access to the same Pros, cheaper prices!
Yes, we want to Partner with you! Yes we are hiring!
Yes, we will help support your business… service/product
Stay connected: Click Website. Contact info, Service Request form, Application… Just click, open, and add to your mobile home screen.

Members Only
Cost per month
Nebor Pay you
Labor only: FREE
Full Estimate: $50 deposit

Stop being a customer. We Pay you to be a Nebor
Service Fee
Non Member
Full Estimate: $150 deposit
30% off
Cost doesn't change
Cost doesn't change
Labor cost: you have to configure your material
FE: Material/Labor is calculated by us
Scroll to view our locations
per month
Sale membership earn extra cash
Set appointments
Business Solutions
Real Estate Services
Nebor for a neighbor
Access to an Awesome Community of skilled Individuals
Handy Services, Maintenance Request, Remodeling Projects
Unlimited 24 hour Contact
Automatically gain up to 30% off just for joining for every request all year long
Nebor Kids
Rather Product or service market and scale your business for under $10 per month.
Stay Updated with Nosey Nebor
Nebor ads is where paid Business owners offer their products and services for prices only our Nebor Community is connected to. Where you can add your business for just $10 per month on the Service Request. Advertised in our Members Only Group, Community, and the Service Request for just $20 per month. Every time a Service Request is submitted your business is exposed.

Homes Across the Globe
Buy Sell Rent Invest
Real Estate Services

Advertise your products or services with Nebor Business
Get your business out there, and stay connected to all Nebor Members. Do you offer any type of products? Or do offer a service that Nebor doesn't offer? Have your Ad posted in and on every platform that Nebor is affiliated with. Gaining maximum exposer for your business, you will be connected to all of Nebor Members globally. Before purchasing a plane please fill out an Ad Request to advertise your business (services or products) Must be a member to receive this benefit. Once you have purchased the Nebor Membership screenshot it because you will need proof of membership purchase when filling out your Ad request.
Create a digital ad following the guidelines (we can assist for an extra $20 as you will approve it before it is posted)
Join Our Nebor Membership
Send us your ad to Ad Request
Then select a $10 or $20 plan that best fits your marketing budget. (A rep will contact you to do so).
Nebor Business Benefits
FREE Job leads
Nebor Ads
Low cost Advertisement
Connected to all of Nebor Members

Per Month
$10 Plan
Nebor Business
$20 Plan
Nebor Business Pack
Advertise your personal ads on Nebor's Request FormEvery time a request is submitted your business is seen!
Advertise your personal ads on Nebor's Request Form
Every time a request is submitted your business is seen!
Members only Group and community page once a month, and a Ad for this site will be added for your product or service

ADDRESS: Home to North Carolina
TEL: 318-61N-EBOR | neborhq@gmail.com

Coordinator for Nebor personal contact.
Contact the Coordinator Directly
Stay connected to our Community
Service form request
Want to make extra cash
Save: (Click the phone to save contact. just click, open and add to your mobile home screen)
Disclaimer: Any Handy Service, Maintenance Request, Remodeling Project Nebor or it's affiliate perform is not reliable for the cost of the material per job. In order to keep our price as low as we do for our members we are taking out the cost of material so that we can continue to charge our customers/members the non negotiable price. Once we set a price it is and will be our price. All Nebor prices are non negotiable. Full payment must be paid first before any work is started. It is the customer/member responsibility to gather materials unless you agree to a material transport fee. We ask that you remove any items you wish to not be broken/dismantled in the traveling direction towards the hot/work area or in the hot/work area. If anything breaks the Nebor/affiliate/ technician is not reliable for your personal things. Due to pricing... providing Maintenance, Handy Services, or Remodeling Services Nebor nor a Nebor technician is not required to have insurance.